Search Results for: Robotics

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1,529 results
  1. Animals

    Wag the dog: When left vs. right matters

    Most of us see a wagging dog’s tail and automatically think it’s a good sign. But are some wags more friendly than others? A new study says yes.

  2. Life

    Flash leads to flex in lab-grown muscle

    Light-activated artificial tissue inspires dream of squirming wormbots.

  3. Humans

    Bionic women (and men) get closer to reality

    Prosthetics and new therapies restore abilities to move, see, walk.

  4. Materials Science

    Toylike blocks make lightweight, strong structures

    Bucking trend toward reducing numbers of parts, MIT engineers suggest building planes from thousands of identical pieces.

  5. Life

    Designer T cells emerge as weapons against disease

    Decades of attempts to boost the immune system’s ability to fight disease are finally starting to pay off. Reprogrammed T cells serve as new weapons against cancer and autoimmune diseases.

  6. Into the Fold

    Flat structures pop into 3-D forms, yielding miniature robots and tools.

  7. Astronomy

    At last, Voyager 1 slips into interstellar space

    Solar blast data provides definitive evidence that Voyager 1 has cruised beyond the heliosphere and into interstellar space.

  8. Tech

    Paralyzed woman grips, sips coffee with robot arm

    For the first time, a brain-computer interface is powerful enough to enable useful movement in human patients.

  9. Science & Society

    Descending to the Challenger Deep

    Director James Cameron reveals the science of his deep-sea exploration.

  10. Ecosystems

    Darwin’s Devices

    What Evolving Robots Can Teach Us About the History of Life and the Future of Technology, by John Long.

  11. Earth

    Buying time when quakes hit

    On the West Coast, geologists are developing an earthquake warning system that can provide seconds of notice before destructive shaking begins. The system could be ready before the next big quake hits.

  12. Humans

    Eruption early in human prehistory may have been more whimper than bang

    If Hollywood’s right, the apocalypse will be brutal. Aliens, nuclear war, zombies, plague, enslavement by supersmart robots — none of them are good endings. Some archaeologists, however, believe an apocalypse has already come and gone. About 75,000 years ago, they say, a monster volcanic eruption nearly wiped out humankind, leaving behind only a few thousand people to […]
