Search Results for: Whales

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1,375 results
  1. Ecosystems

    Killer Consequences: Has whaling driven orcas to a diet of sea lions?

    Killer whales may have been responsible for steep declines in seal, sea lion, and otter populations after whaling wiped out the great whales that killer whales had been eating.

  2. Astronomy

    Heavenly Passage

    On June 8, the black dot of Venus passed across the face of the sun, the first time it did so in 122 years.

  3. Earth

    Whale meat in Japan is loaded with mercury

    Some people in Japan who eat dolphins and other toothed whales are ingesting amounts of mercury that exceed legal health limits.

  4. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2005

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2005.

  5. Paleontology

    Flightless Feathered Friends

    New finds of fossil penguins, as well as analyses of the characteristics and DNA of living penguins, are shedding light on the evolution of these flightless birds.

  6. Physics

    An Electron Runs through It

    Now that physicists can observe electrons beneath the surface of microchips, they have uncovered electron-flow patterns that are both surprising and visually startling, as well as new details of electron behavior that may lead to faster electronics and quantum computing.

  7. Beast Buddies

    As researchers muse about the evolutionary origins of friendship, even the social interactions of giraffes are getting a second look.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Do Arctic diets protect prostates?

    Marine diets appear to explain why the incidence of prostate cancer among Inuit men is lower than that of males anywhere else in the world.

  9. Earth

    Putting Whales to Work: Cetaceans provide cheap labor in the icy deep

    Whales equipped with environmental sensors discover warm water beneath Arctic ice.

  10. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2000

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2000.

  11. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2004

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2004.

  12. Earth

    Oceans Aswirl

    Whirls of ocean water up to hundreds of kilometers across create biological oases, transport heat from tropical climes to cooler latitudes, and affect everything from offshore oil platforms to long-distance yacht races.
