Search Results for: Monkeys

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2,657 results
  1. Paleontology

    Apes and Old World monkeys may have split later than thought

    A 29- to 28-million-year-old primate fossil found in Saudi Arabia assists scientists in timing a major evolutionary transition.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Healthy Aging in a Pill

    To extend life span, scientists envision a drug that mimics the benefits of a near-starvation diet.

  3. Life


    Salamander's algal partners, tool-using capuchins, a beneficial bacterial infection and more in this week's news

  4. Chemistry

    Spray of zinc marks fertilization

    Embryonic development begins with an outpouring of the metal, illustrating chemistry's importance in orchestrating biological processes.

  5. Life

    Gone fishing, orangutan-style

    Apes that catch fish in ponds and eat them raise the possibility that ancient hominids did the same.

  6. Health & Medicine

    How the brain shops

    Using implanted electrodes, researchers find individual neurons associated with attaching value to objects.

  7. Animals

    Play that monkey music

    Man-made music inspired by tamarin calls seems to alter the primates’ emotions, a new study suggests.

  8. Animals

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, you’re the scariest fish of all

    That thing in the mirror may be more upsetting than a real fish.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Vaccine against cocaine makes headway

    Injections gin up antibodies in mice that limit the drug's effects, a new study shows.

  10. Meet the Howlers by April Pulley Sayre

    Facts about howler monkeys complement the playful poem in this tale of rain forest life. (Ages 4 – 7) MEET THE HOWLERS BY APRIL PULLEY SAYRE Charlesbridge, 2010, 32 p., $16.95.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Monkeys get full color vision

    Male squirrel monkeys with red-green colorblindness can distinguish the hues after gene therapy, study suggests.

  12. Humans

    How to hear above the cocktail party din

    Simply repeating a sound in different acoustic environments may allow listeners to focus in on it, experiments suggest.
