Search Results for: Insects

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6,697 results
  1. Planetary Science

    China is about to visit uncharted territory on the moon

    The next two Chinese missions to the moon will visit places no spacecraft has been before. The rest of the world wants a piece of the lunar action.

  2. Plants

    Smart plants can teach us a thing or two

    ‘The Revolutionary Genius of Plants’ challenges the brain-centered view of intelligence.

  3. Environment

    How bees defend against some controversial insecticides

    Some bees have enzymes that allow them to resist toxic compounds in some neonicotinoid pesticides.

  4. Animals

    Defenseless moths do flying impressions of scary bees and wasps

    Faking that erratic bee flight or no-nonsense wasp zoom might save a moth’s life.

  5. Animals

    Leafhoppers use tiny light-absorbing balls to conceal their eggs

    Leafhoppers produce microscopic balls that absorb light rather than reflect it and help camouflage the insects’ eggs.

  6. Genetics

    Americans support genetically engineering animals for people’s health

    Genetically engineering animals is OK with Americans if it improves human health, a new poll reveals.

  7. Climate

    Bloodflowers’ risk to monarchs could multiply as climate changes

    High atmospheric carbon dioxide levels can weaken the medicinal value of a milkweed that caterpillars eat, and high temperatures may make the plant toxic.

  8. Animals

    These songbirds violently fling and then impale their prey

    A loggerhead shrike that skewers small animals on barbed wire gives mice whiplash shakeups.

  9. Animals

    Got an environmental problem? Beavers could be the solution

    A new book shows how important beavers have been in the past — and how they could improve the landscape of the future.

  10. Life

    Earwigs take origami to extremes to fold their wings

    Stretchy joints let earwig wings flip quickly between folded and unfurled.

  11. Animals

    Male fruit flies enjoy ejaculation

    Red light exposure made some genetically engineered fruit flies ejaculate, spurring a surge of a brain reward compound — and less desire for booze.

  12. Life

    Light pollution can foil plant-insect hookups, and not just at night

    Upsetting nocturnal pollinators has daylight after-effects for Swiss meadow flowers.
