Search Results for: coronavirus

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509 results
  1. Epidemics and their aftermath

    A century’s worth of science has helped us fend off infectious pathogens. But we have a lot to learn from the people who lived and died during epidemics.

  2. Health & Medicine

    As we wait for a vaccine, here’s a snapshot of potential COVID-19 treatments

    Though a vaccine remains the ultimate goal, researchers are on the hunt for new ways to treat COVID-19.

  3. Health & Medicine

    As the coronavirus outbreak evolves, we answer some key questions

    As the new coronavirus spreads, we are updating this FAQ with the latest on the race to understand the virus and stop the growing global health crisis.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Severe allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines are extremely rare, CDC says

    Out of the first 1.9 million doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine given in the United States, there were 21 reported cases of anaphylaxis, a CDC study finds.

  5. Health & Medicine

    You can help fight the coronavirus. All you need is a computer

    With Folding@home, people can donate computing time on their home computers to the search for a chemical Achilles’ heel in the coronavirus.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine stimulates an immune response in people

    An mRNA vaccine triggers the immune system to make as many virus-blocking antibodies as in people who have recovered from COVID-19, early data show.

  7. Readers ask about exoplanet heating sources, combating climate change and COVID-19

  8. Health & Medicine

    HIV drugs didn’t work as a coronavirus treatment in a clinical trial

    Antiviral HIV drugs “showed no benefit” when given to patients severely ill with COVID-19.

  9. Neuroscience

    Lonely brains crave people like hungry brains crave food

    After hours of isolation, dopamine-producing cells in the brain fire up in response to pictures of humans, showing our social side runs deep.

  10. Sticking to our mission: covering science writ large

    The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has suddenly overturned every corner of life, editor in chief Nancy Shute writes.

  11. Health & Medicine

    What parents need to know about kids in the summer of COVID-19

    So far, evidence suggests children don’t often get severely ill from COVID-19, but there’s more to learn about their role in its spread.

  12. Earth

    50 years ago, scientists were looking for ways to predict earthquakes

    Though earthquake prediction remains elusive, early warning systems can help keep people safe.
