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3,844 results
  1. Science & Society

    ‘Prisoners, Lovers, and Spies’ reveals the secrets of invisible ink

    Kristie Macrakis takes readers on a tour of invisible ink’s history and the need to hide information, from the earliest empires to the Internet age.

  2. Paleontology

    ‘Dinosaurs Without Bones’ gives glimpse of long-gone life

    Ichnologist Anthony J. Martin explains his research piecing together dinosaurs’ lives from footprints and other traces.

  3. Life

    Animal sex lives exposed in ‘Nature’s Nether Regions’

    What the sex lives of bugs, birds, and beasts tell us about evolution, biodiversity, and ourselves.

  4. Math

    Top 10 ways to save science from its statistical self

    Saving science from its statistical flaws will require radical revision in its methods.

  5. Animals

    Pets’ rights explored in ‘Citizen Canine’

    Science journalist David Grimm describes pet's progression towards full citizenship.

  6. Life

    ‘The Amoeba in the Room’ uncloaks a hidden realm of tiny life

    Mycologist Nicholas Money reveals the secret (and dramatic) lives of amoebas, bacteria, fungi and other often-overlooked microbes in The Amoeba in the Room: Lives of the Microbes.

  7. Physics

    Gravity’s Ghost and Big Dog

    Sociologist Harry Collins chronicles the occasionally heated (and often arcane) debates among scientists studying gravitational waves.

  8. Science & Society

    This study of hype in press releases will change journalism

    A survey of press releases and their related scientific studies shows that hype may creep from press releases to news coverage. But this doesn’t give anyone at any stage of the news cycle a pass.

  9. Quantum Physics

    Top 10 scientific mysteries for the 21st century

    Solving the Top 10 scientific mysteries facing the 21st century will not be all fun but could be mostly games.

  10. Math

    The Improbability Principle

    The laws of mathematics and physics suffice to explain a world of coincidences, statistician David J. Hand argues.

  11. Genetics

    Life at the Speed of Light

    Biology has come a long way from the days of mixing things in petri dishes and hoping something interesting happens. In his new book, Venter introduces readers to a future of precise biological engineering.

  12. BOOK REVIEW: The Kingdom of Rarities by Eric Dinerstein

    Review by Janet Raloff.
