Search Results for: Insects

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6,697 results
  1. Genetics

    In lab tests, this gene drive wiped out a population of mosquitoes

    For the first time, a gene drive caused a population crash of mosquitoes in a small-scale test.

  2. Animals

    This honeybee parasite may be more of a fat stealer than a bloodsucker

    Inventing decoy bee larvae prompts a back-to-basics rethink of a mite ominously named Varroa destructor.

  3. Health & Medicine

    A new Ebola species has been found in bats in Sierra Leone

    A sixth species of Ebola has been found, but we don’t know if it can cause disease in humans.

  4. Particle Physics

    Readers ask about proton pressure, wearable tech and more

    Readers had questions about the pressure inside a proton, wearable tech safety and the effects of global warming on insects.

  5. Animals

    How locust ecology inspired an opera

    When an entomologist decides to write a libretto, you get an operatic elegy to locusts.

  6. Animals

    The Lord Howe stick insect is officially back from the dead

    New genomic sequencing confirms that stick insects discovered near Lord Howe Island are the assumed-extinct Lord Howe stick insect.

  7. Genetics

    Here are 5 RNAs that are stepping out of DNA’s shadow

    RNAs do a lot more than act as middlemen for protein building. Here are a few of the ways they affect your health and disease.

  8. Animals

    Malaysia’s pig-tail macaques eat rats, head first

    Pig-tail macaques are seen as a menace on Malaysian palm oil plantations, but may be helping to reduce rodent populations.

  9. Animals

    These caterpillars march. They fluff. They scare London.

    Oak processionary moths have invaded England and threatened the pleasure of spring breezes.

  10. Paleontology

    Oldest known lizard fossil pushes group’s origins back 75 million years

    CT scan reveals hidden identity of an unusual lizard fossil found years ago in the Italian Alps.

  11. Paleontology

    Tiny scales in ancient lagoon may be the first fossil evidence of the moth-butterfly line

    Fancy liquid-sipper mouthparts might have evolved before the great burst of flower evolution

  12. Animals

    It’s official: Termites are just cockroaches with a fancy social life

    On their latest master list of arthropods, U.S. entomologists have finally declared termites to be a kind of cockroach.
