Search Results for: Bees

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1,503 results
  1. Math

    Flight of the Bumblebee

    The notion that scientists proved bumblebees can't fly has a long legacy.

  2. Plants

    Save the Flowers

    Now that breeders have created thousands of new ornamental-flower varieties, scientists are turning their attention to restoring the fragrances that fell victim to the process.

  3. 19416

    The phenomenon described in your article, an animal manufacturing natural poisons using chemical precursors in the environment, has been described before—in a work of science fiction! In Arthur Herzog’s 1974 novel The Swarm, later made into a movie, killer bees learned to metabolize organophosphate insecticides and incorporate those molecules into their venom. Dave LeisingLowell, Mich.

  4. Poisonous Partnership

    Tools from molecular biology are providing new insights into the viruses employed by parasitoid wasps to manipulate their caterpillar hosts.

  5. Animals

    First mammal joins the eusocial club

    Because naked mole rats exhibit permanent physical traits that distinguish certain castes of a colony, they belong to the same grouping as so-called eusocial insects such as bees, ants, wasps, and termites.

  6. Plants

    Botany under the Mistletoe

    Twisters, spitters, and other flowery thoughts for romantic moments.

  7. Animals

    Ants lurk for bees, but bees see ambush

    A tropical ant has perfected the un-antlike behavior of hunting by ambush, but its prey, a sweat bee, has developed some tricks of its own.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Curbing Allergy to Insect Venom: Therapy stops reactions to stings years later

    Some children don't outgrow an allergy to insect stings, but immunizations against such allergies can protect them into adulthood.

  9. Animals

    Song Fights

    Birds settle many of their disputes by some rough-and-tough singing bouts, and recording equipment now lets researchers pick a song fight, too.

  10. Humans

    Letters from the July 10, 2004, issue of Science News

    Language of music The study by Hyde and Peretz about people inept at all things musical (“Brain roots of music depreciation,” SN: 5/8/04, p. 302: Brain roots of music depreciation) made me think of my spouse of 20 years. In addition to a lifetime of utter tone deafness, he also nearly didn’t receive his graduate […]

  11. Animals

    To Bee He or She: Honeybees use novel sex-setting switch

    After more than a decade of work, an international team has found the main gene that separates the girls from the boys among honeybees.

  12. Paleontology

    Ancient Buzzing: German site yields early hummingbird fossils

    Excavations in Germany have yielded the only known fossils of hummingbirds from the Old World and by far the oldest such fossils unearthed anywhere.
