Search Results for: chemistry

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378 results
  1. Chemistry

    Nobel recognizes three for handy chemistry

    The 2001 Nobel Prize in Chemistry honors research that led to new chemicals, materials, and drugs, including widely used heart medicines.

  2. Chemistry

    Unlikely ion made in lab

    Chemists have created a molecule—the pentamethylcyclopentadienyl cation—that many researchers thought was too unstable to exist long enough to be identified or studied.

  3. Chemistry

    Chemistry of Colors and Curls

    Chemists are using new technology and experiments to discover how hair becomes damaged and how to protect it.

  4. Chemistry

    Molecules Leave Their Mark

    A material etched with tiny, carefully shaped pores can act like an artificial enzyme, cell membrane, or receptor.

  5. Chemistry

    Antibiotics may become harder to resist

    Drug designers have developed new tactics to make it harder for bacteria to survive exposure to antibiotics.

  6. Chemistry

    The World of Wine

    Improved analytical instruments and powerful computers are now enabling scientists to better determine a chemical fingerprint for products from different wine-producing regions.

  7. Chemistry


    Scientists are turning carbon-cage molecules called fullerenes into drug candidates and medical diagnostic tools.

  8. Chemistry

    Compounds cool without minty taste

    Scientists have created a compound that delivers a more potent version of the cooling sensation of menthol, without the minty taste or smell.

  9. Chemistry

    A new molecule and a new signature

    In two independent discoveries, chemists have prepared a new form of nitrogen and captured the infrared spectrum of an unusual molecule made up of hydrogen and oxygen.

  10. Chemistry

    Cosmic Chemistry Gets Creative

    By simulating extraterrestrial impacts on Earth, researchers are firing away at the question of how life started.

  11. Chemistry

    Molecular Chemistry Takes a New Twist

    New calculations show that a basic tenet of chemistry is wrong: Ethane forms its most stable structure not due to so-called steric effects, but because of a quantum mechanical influence.

  12. Chemistry

    New structure reveals catalysts’ details

    Researchers have created a new compound that contains a palladium atom bonded in a unique way to six silicon atoms.
