Search Results for: Robotics

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1,529 results
  1. Animals

    Winged robots may shed light on fly aerobatics

    After years of trying, researchers create flapping machines that can hover and perform rudimentary flight maneuvers.

  2. Science & Society

    Top 10 science popularizers of all time

    Since antiquity, some notable thinkers have served society by translating science into popular form.

  3. Space

    Exploring Earth’s alien spaces

    Nathalie Cabrol, a planetary geologist and astrobiologist at the SETI Institute’s Carl Sagan Center and NASA’s Ames Research Center, both in Mountain View, Calif., hunts for alien life.

  4. Humans

    Medicine’s future inspired by science fiction

  5. Tech

    Building robots that slither

    Howie Choset is a roboticist, but his team’s creations bear little resemblance to C-3PO or R2-D2. Instead, Choset finds inspiration in nature — specifically, snakes.

  6. Tech

    Printed robot moves with a beat

    Tiny device created with a 3-D printer employs heart cells to make it move.

  7. Humans

    Our Final Invention

    Computers already make all sorts of decisions for you. Imagine if the machines controlled even more aspects of life and could truly think for themselves.

  8. Tech

    Custom-designed legs help robots speed over sand

    Six-legged machine runs across grainy surfaces.

  9. Climate

    Sharks could serve as ocean watchdogs

    Tagged with sensors, toothy fish gather weather and climate data in remote Pacific waters.

  10. Planetary Science

    The ice of a distant moon

    Jupiter’s moon Europa hides a liquid ocean, and conceivably life, under kilometers of ice. The challenge for engineers is how to penetrate that frozen barrier with technology that can be launched into space and operated remotely.

  11. Life

    Flagellum failure lets bacteria turn

    Buckling of appendage drives tiny two-point turn.

  12. Math

    Spirals inspire walking aids for people with disabilities

    Long admired for their beauty, spirals have inspired a shoe that may help disabled people walk. The shapes make for a better crutch and an entertaining skateboard as well.
