Search Results for: nikkogasa

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91 results
  1. Paleontology

    The oldest known fossilized skin shows how life adapted to land

    The nearly 290 million-year-old cast belonged to a species of amniotes, four-legged vertebrates that today comprises all reptiles, birds and mammals.

  2. Planetary Science

    A toxic gas that could help spawn life has been found on Enceladus

    Cassini data indicate that hydrogen cyanide, a key building block for life, exists on Saturn’s icy moon. A snakelike NASA robot might test for sure.

  3. Earth

    Speed bumps under Thwaites Glacier could help slow its flow to the sea

    A seismic survey of Thwaites’ icy underbelly shows the Antarctica glacier may be snagging on tall rises in land. That could help slow global sea level rise.

  4. Space

    A telescope dropped dark matter data from the edge of space. Here’s why

    Last May, NASA’s Super Pressure Balloon Imaging Telescope crash-landed in rural Argentina. Scientists scrambled to recover the dark matter data aboard.

  5. Environment

    Grassland and shrubland fires destroy more U.S. homes than forest fires

    Grassland and shrubland fires destroyed nearly 11,000 homes in the contiguous United States from 1990 to 2020.

  6. Space

    How giant mirrors are made for what will be the world’s largest telescope

    The Giant Magellan Telescope is slated to probe the cosmos for Earthlike worlds and atmospheric signatures of potential extraterrestrial life.

  7. Animals

    Pumping cold water into rivers could act as ‘air conditioning’ for fish

    Hundreds of salmon, trout and other fish sought shelter from summer heat in human-made shelters, suggesting a way to help fish adapt to river warming.

  8. Earth

    To form pink diamonds, build and destroy a supercontinent

    The Argyle deposit in Australia formed about 1.3 billion years ago, a study shows, along a rift zone that sundered the supercontinent Nuna.

  9. Paleontology

    This newfound birdlike dinosaur had surprisingly long legs

    Early birdlike dinosaurs are mostly short-limbed and thought to have lived in trees, but Fujianvenator prodigiosus may have run or waded in swamps.

  10. Animals

    Adult corals have been safely frozen and revived for the first time

    Chunks of living corals could be frozen for safekeeping and revived later to restore reef ecosystems that are withering in warming seas.

  11. Climate

    Some leaves in tropical forests may be getting too hot for photosynthesis

    Climate change may be forcing some tropical leaves to stop photosynthesis and die. It’s still unclear what effect this will have on entire forests.

  12. Space

    Recoiling black holes could move at nearly one-tenth the speed of light

    Knowing black holes’ speed after being kicked by gravitational waves can reveal how much energy converging black holes can release.
