Search Results for: Ostriches

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214 results
  1. Paleontology

    A dinosaur’s running gait may reveal insights into the history of bird flight

    In what may have been a precursor to avian flight, a flightless winged dinosaur may have flapped its wings as it jogged.

  2. Paleontology

    ‘Wonderchicken’ is the earliest known modern bird at nearly 67 million years old

    A new fossil find, dubbed the Wonderchicken, is a common ancestor of modern ducks and chickens.

  3. Life

    Stick-toting puffins offer the first evidence of tool use in seabirds

    Puffins join the ranks of tool-using birds after researchers document two birds using sticks to groom, a first for seabirds.

  4. Life

    Losing genes may have helped whales’ ancestors adapt to life under the sea

    Jettisoning genes tied to saliva and the lungs, among others, could have smoothed ancient cetaceans’ land-to-water transition 50 million years ago.

  5. Paleontology

    Here’s how hefty dinosaurs sat on their eggs without crushing them

    Some heavier dinos had a strategy to keep eggs warm without crushing them: sit in an opening in the middle of the clutch instead of on top of them.

  6. Paleontology

    How birds may have escaped the dino-killing asteroid impact

    A tree-loving lifestyle became a risk for ancient birds in a world-changing catastrophe.

  7. Animals

    Bones reveal what it was like to grow up dodo

    Scientists take a first look at the inside of dodo bones.

  8. Archaeology

    Ancient Egyptian pot burials were not just for the poor

    In ancient Egypt, using pots for burial containers was a symbolic choice, not a last resort, archaeologists say.

  9. Life

    Some lucky birds escaped dino doomsday

    Dino doomsday took out early birds too, but a lucky few survived.

  10. Animals

    ‘On the Wing’ chronicles origins of flying animals

    In "On the Wing," a biomechanicist reviews how animals took to the air.

  11. Animals

    Birds large and small hop over obstacles in similar ways

    Bipedal birds, from tiny quail to huge ostriches, tackled a step in a similar way, minimizing energy cost and maximizing safety.

  12. Paleontology

    Mystery fossils belonged to giant ostrichlike dinosaur

    Two recently found skeletons reveal that Deinocheirus, first discovered 50 years ago, was the largest-known dinosaur of its kind.
