Search Results for: Lobsters

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323 results
  1. Animals

    The Lord Howe stick insect is officially back from the dead

    New genomic sequencing confirms that stick insects discovered near Lord Howe Island are the assumed-extinct Lord Howe stick insect.

  2. Agriculture

    Can Silicon Valley entrepreneurs make crickets the next chicken?

    Entrepreneurs are bringing automation and data analysis to insect agriculture to build a profitable business that helps feed the planet.

  3. Health & Medicine

    As algae blooms increase, scientists seek better ways to predict these toxic tides

    Scientists around the United States are developing programs that can predict harmful algal blooms in advance.

  4. Paleontology

    Sea scorpions slashed victims with swordlike tails

    Ancient sea scorpion used a flexible, swordlike tail to hack at prey and defend against predators.

  5. Oceans

    First U.S. ocean monument named in the Atlantic

    A region of ocean off the coast of Cape Cod has become the first U.S. marine national monument in the Atlantic Ocean, President Barack Obama announced.

  6. Oceans

    Atlantic monument is home to unique and varied creatures

    A region of ocean off the coast of Cape Cod has become the first U.S. marine national monument in the Atlantic Ocean.

  7. Oceans

    Giant barrel sponges are hijacking Florida’s coral reefs

    Giant barrel sponges are gradually taking over and threatening Florida’s coral reefs, a new census suggests.

  8. Paleontology

    Ancient oceans’ top predator was gentle filter feeder

    New fossils suggest that a distant relative of lobsters used bristled limbs to net its prey, not spike it.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Pregnant women on the hook for calculating risks, benefits of fish

    New draft FDA guidelines on fish for pregnant or nursing women make women do the math for how to maximize omega-3 fatty acids and minimize mercury exposure.

  10. Tech

    Creature power

    Biological fuel cells that generate electricity by harnessing sugars and oxygen in the body may one day power implanted devices in humans and other animals.

  11. Materials Science

    Making it work, on paper and just maybe in practice

    Last spring, Science News reported on the lack of progress by the main U.S. nuclear fusion effort. As the researchers still contend, laser-initiated fusion should work. It works on paper. But in practice, even a set of extremely powerful lasers failed to trigger the fusion of hydrogen nuclei and the concomitant chain reaction and release of net energy expected.

  12. I, Lobster by Nancy Frazier

    More than just a tasty meal — though this book does include recipes — the lobster is a star in history, art and science. Univ. of New Hampshire, 2012, 254 p., $24.95
