Search Results for: zika

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145 results
  1. Animals

    The U.S.’s first open-air genetically modified mosquitoes have taken flight

    After a decade of argument, Oxitec pits genetically modified mosquitoes against Florida’s spreaders of dengue and Zika.

  2. Microbes

    Are viruses alive, not alive or something in between? And why does it matter?

    The way we talk about viruses can shift scientific research and our understanding of evolution.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Healthy babies exposed to Zika in the womb may suffer developmental delays

    A small group of Zika-exposed children in Colombia who were born healthy missed milestones for movement and social interaction by 18 months of age.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Dengue cases in the Americas have reached an all-time high

    There have been more dengue cases in the Americas this year than ever before, according to the Pan American Health Organization.

  5. Life

    These are the 5 costliest invasive species, causing billions in damages

    Invasive species have cost the global economy at least $1 trillion since 1970 and $162.7 billion in 2017 alone. The annual cost is increasing.

  6. Animals

    Genetically modified mosquitoes have been OK’d for a first U.S. test flight

    After a decade of heated debate, free-flying swarms aimed at shrinking dengue-carrying mosquito populations gets a nod for 2021 in the Florida Keys.

  7. Chemistry

    Heating deltamethrin may help it kill pesticide-resistant mosquitoes

    A simple chemical trick creates a much faster-acting form of a common insecticide, which could help fight malaria and other mosquito-borne illnesses.

  8. Health & Medicine

    No, snakes probably aren’t the source of that new coronavirus in China

    Scientists are skeptical about a new study that pinpoints snakes as the animal reservoir for the ongoing coronavirus outbreak in China.

  9. Health & Medicine

    One-shot COVID-19 vaccine is effective against severe disease

    The effectiveness of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine at preventing hospitalization and death holds up against a South Africa variant of the coronavirus.

  10. Health & Medicine

    WHO says China’s coronavirus outbreak isn’t a global emergency yet

    While the WHO says the coronavirus outbreak isn’t a global emergency, China has locked down several large cities to stop the virus from spreading.

  11. Health & Medicine

    What you need to know about J&J’s newly authorized one-shot COVID-19 vaccine

    Even as a third COVID-19 vaccine becomes available in the United States, questions remain over how well it works and if people will take it.

  12. Health & Medicine

    In some cases, getting dengue may protect against Zika

    A Zika outbreak in a Brazilian slum suggests that the timing of dengue infections may matter for protection against Zika.
