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3,844 results
  1. Psychology

    ‘Survival of the Nicest’ demonstrates altruism all around

    Selfishness is not the rule in human society, new book argues.

  2. Physics

    ‘The Sound Book’ explores echoes, bad acoustics and more

    Acoustic engineer Trevor Cox provides an international tour of aural amazements.

  3. Earth

    ‘Island on Fire’ recounts enormous 18th century eruption

    The 18th century eruption of Iceland’s Laki volcano spewed sulfurous gases that briefly cooled the globe and probably contributed to the early deaths of tens of thousands of people.

  4. Science & Society

    Unbiased computer confirms media bias

    A computer algorithm can identify a media outlet’s bias just by the quotes it chooses from political speeches, surrounding context aside.

  5. Neuroscience

    Legalization trend forces review of marijuana’s dangers

    Marijuana legalization advocates tout pot’s medicinal benefits and low addictiveness, while critics point to its neurological dangers. Research shows that the reality is somewhere in the middle.

  6. Particle Physics

    Particle hunting in space, life in the urban jungle and more reader feedback

    Readers discuss wheat's journey to England, share stories about urban wildlife and more.

  7. Cosmology

    Cosmologist’s ‘Cosmic Cocktail’ is a refreshing read

    Katherine Freese shares her insights as a scientist studying dark matter and other mysterious components of the universe.

  8. Math

    Science is heroic, with a tragic (statistical) flaw

    Science falls short of its own standards because of the mindless use of ritualistic statistical tests.

  9. Science & Society

    Top 10 desert island books for science fans

    Some books that require your undivided attention offer substantial intellectual rewards.

  10. Quantum Physics

    Bell’s math showed that quantum weirdness rang true

    50 years ago, John Bell proved a theorem that led the way to establishing the weirdness of quantum physics.

  11. Science & Society

    ‘Race Unmasked’ explores science’s racial past, present

    Eugenics is far behind us, but a health historian sees few reasons to believe science is postracial.

  12. Physics

    The arrow of time

    Gravity may explain how time always runs forward, even though the laws of physics should permit it to run backward.
