Search Results for: Dinosaurs

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1,931 results
  1. Animals

    Unusual new species names of 2013

    Here are five species with tongue-twister titles.

  2. Animals

    Little thylacine had a big bite

    A reconstruction of the skull of a thylacine, an extinct, fox-sized Australian marsupial, reveals that the animal could have eaten prey much larger than itself.

  3. Animals

    Fungi threaten sea turtle nests

    The pathogens can kill up to 90 percent of eggs in a single nest.

  4. Life

    Contender for world’s oldest dinosaur identified

    An African specimen suggests the lineage may have arisen 15 million years earlier than thought.

  5. Letters to the editor

    Fusion reactions It is not true that fusion packs the highest punch of any known energy-generating process (“Ignition failed,” SN: 4/20/13, p. 26). Matter-antimatter annihilation far exceeds it (Star Trek had it right back in the 1960s). I believe that under certain conditions, matter falling into a black hole can also yield more energy than […]

  6. Paleontology

    Hunting fossils in England

    On Monmouth Beach, just west of the center of Lyme Regis, amateur and professional collectors have been making discoveries for more than two centuries.

  7. Life

    Birds may have had to crouch before they could fly

    Digital reconstructions of avian ancestors show a progressive redistribution of weight toward the front of the body.

  8. Earth

    Life’s early traces

    Tiny tufts, rolls and crinkles in 3.5-billion-year-old rocks add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that cellular life got a relatively quick start on Earth.

  9. Life

    Ancestors of today’s placental mammals may never have shared the Earth with dinosaurs

    A newly constructed family tree dovetails with the fossil record, but differs considerably from previous genetic studies by suggesting that placental mammals emerged after the dinosaur extinction.

  10. Animals

    Dinosaur debate gets cooking

    A key piece of evidence for cold-blooded dinosaurs, growth lines in bones, has also been discovered in a set of warm-blooded animals.

  11. Upcoming events

    From the issue of March 23, 2013.

  12. Paleontology

    An ammonite adventure on the Jurassic Coast

    This region is special because fossils are easy to find. They wash out of the cliffs and onto the beach where they are free for anyone to collect, as long as you follow the rules.
