Search Results for: Algae

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1,393 results
  1. Earth

    Ultrasound solution to toxin pollution

    Ultrasound treatment of water can generate reactive chemicals that destroy potentially lethal algal toxins.

  2. Humans

    Preserving Paradise

    President Bush has created the world's largest marine reserve, a no-fishing, no-disturbance zone, surrounding the northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

  3. Health & Medicine

    ‘Harmless’ Alga Indicted for Mussel Poisoning

    A common algal species turns out to be a serious food-poisoning agent.

  4. Earth

    Toxic Surfs

    Scientists have discovered not only three new mechanisms by which an alga species in Florida water can poison but also a trio of natural antidotes produced within that same species.

  5. Earth

    Warm Spell: Arctic algae record shift in climate

    Analyses of sediment samples taken from remote arctic lakes indicate that the climate across large swaths of the Northern Hemisphere has been warming for many decades.

  6. Anthropology

    Reservoirs of Evolution: Rainy periods linked to human origins in Africa

    Three phases of heavy rainfall in eastern Africa between 2.7 million and 900,000 years ago created deep lakes and might have played a critical role in the evolution of human ancestors.

  7. Earth

    Paint additive hammers coral

    A pesticidal additive in the paint applied to ship hulls may be contributing to the worldwide decline of corals.

  8. Ecosystems

    Bad-News Beauties

    Discarded aquarium fish are the likely source of an alien species that's breeding in the Atlantic and could threaten economically important U.S. fisheries.

  9. 19537

    I usually tend to downplay worries about research in genetics, but I was quite concerned after reading “Expanding the genetic code” (SN: 4/2/05, p. 222). The researchers surely have plans to keep whatever they create contained. But adding a fifth base to the DNA of bacteria with a genetic mutation rate 10,000 times that of […]

  10. Ecosystems

    Quick Fix: How invasive seaweed repairs its wounds

    Scientists have discerned the chemistry underlying the rapid wound-healing process in an invasive green alga that is wreaking havoc in the Mediterranean Sea.

  11. 19535

    I usually tend to downplay worries about research in genetics, but I was quite concerned after reading this article. The researchers surely have plans to keep whatever they create contained. But adding a fifth base to the DNA of bacteria with a genetic mutation rate 10,000 times that of normal bacteria seems unnecessarily dangerous. I […]

  12. Ecosystems

    Light All Night

    New digital images demonstrate that artificial light from urban areas penetrates deep into some of America's most remote wild places, where it may disrupt ecosystems that have evolved with a nightly quota of darkness.
