Search Results for: Vertebrates

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1,505 results
  1. Life

    Climate changes, and there goes the neighborhood

    The ranges of rattlesnakes and voles are likely to shift drastically with warming, analyses of past changes suggest.

  2. Life

    Chicken cells have strong sense of sexual identity

    In birds, hormones may not be the last word in determining males and females.

  3. Paleontology

    Dinos molted for a new look

    In one species, adolescents appear to have sprouted a new type of feathers as they matured.

  4. Life

    For ducks, penis length depends on the other guys

    Male genitals grow longer with more competition from other males.

  5. Paleontology

    Feather-covered dinosaur fossils found

    Scientists have uncovered a feather-laden, peacock-sized dinosaur that predates the oldest known bird.

  6. Dawn of the Dinosaurs

    Paleontologists probe the majestic reptiles’ origin and rise.

  7. Paleontology

    Tyrannosaurs lived in the Southern Hemisphere, too

    Australian fossils suggest the kin of T. rex dispersed globally 110 million years ago.

  8. Earth

    Wringing hope from crashing biodiversity

    Biodiversity losses have not slowed despite a treaty designed to protect variety in the natural world.

  9. Paleontology

    King of the ancient seas

    Paleontologists discover fossilized skeleton of bus-sized marine reptile that had teeth with serrated edges.

  10. Animals

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, you’re the scariest fish of all

    That thing in the mirror may be more upsetting than a real fish.

  11. Paleontology

    Octopus origins

    After examining more than 90 new specimens of Nectocaris pteryx, paleontologists put it near the root of the cephalopod evolutionary tree.

  12. Life

    Spiders love sweet smell of blood perfume

    For on spider species, feeding on blood-gorged mosquitoes adds charm to a mate
