Search Results for: Bees

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1,503 results
  1. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2007

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the past year.

  2. Animals

    Balls of Fire: Bees carefully cook invaders to death

    Honeybees that defend their colonies by killing wasps with body heat come within 5 degrees C of cooking themselves in the process.

  3. Ecosystems

    Pesticide makes bees bumble

    The pesticide spinosad, previously thought safe for bees, may damage their ability to forage for nectar.

  4. 19628

    In this article about using harmonic reflected signals to track bees, I thought it was interesting to note that the original technology was created by the Russians as a spy device. The technology is still being used for a form of spying. Dwight ElveySanta Cruz, Calif.

  5. Animals

    Bumblebee 007: Bees can spy on others’ flower choices

    Bumblebees that watched their neighbors feast on unusual flowers often later checked out the same kinds of blossoms themselves, a behavior that amounts to social learning.

  6. Tech

    Rounding out an insect-eye view

    A new humanmade version of an insect's compound eye could perform like the real thing.

  7. Animals

    Crouching Scientist, Hidden Dragonfly

    Although dragonflies are among the most familiar of insects, science is just beginning to unravel their complex life stories.

  8. Animals

    Males as Nannies? First test for wasps’ hidden baby-care skills

    Young male wasps, in the absence of females, can care for larvae.

  9. Little Brains That Could: Bees show big-time working memory

    Even though a honeybee's brain could fit on the head of a match, the creature's working memory is nearly as effective as that of a pigeon or a monkey.

  10. Plants

    Day-Glo Flowers: Some bright blooms naturally fluoresce

    Some common flowers fluoresce but the glow most likely has little effect on pollinators.

  11. Humans

    From the July 27, 1935, issue

    The geometry of honeycombs, high-energy, man-made gamma rays, and an electrical speed trap.

  12. Agriculture

    Bees increase coffee profits

    Scientists studying a Costa Rican coffee farm have estimated the monetary value of conserving nearby wooded habitat for the bees that pollinate coffee plants.
