Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Ecosystems

    A freshwater, saltwater tug-of-war is eating away at the Everglades

    Saltwater is winning in the Everglades as sea levels rise and years of redirecting freshwater flow to support agriculture and population growth

  2. Planetary Science

    5 things we’ve learned about Saturn since Cassini died

    The Cassini spacecraft plunged to its death into Saturn six months ago, but the discoveries keep coming.

  3. Anthropology

    Crocs take a bite out of claims of ancient stone-tool use

    Reptiles with big bites complicate claims of Stone Age butchery.

  4. Life

    How horses lost their toes

    Fossils reveal that as horses evolved to have fewer toes, they also got stronger and faster.

  5. Life

    Ladybugs fold their wings like origami masters

    Ladybug wings could lead to new foldable technologies.

  6. Planetary Science

    More hints of Martian hot springs may hold promise for Mars 2020 mission

    An analysis of ridges in a crater of Margaritifer Terra on Mars offers evidence of ancient hot springs and also hints at the potential for finding signs of life.

  7. Paleontology

    Giant armored dinosaur may have cloaked itself in camouflage

    An armored dinosaur the size of a Honda Civic also wore countershading camouflage, a chemical analysis of its skin suggests.

  8. Science & Society

    Trauma surgeon studies gun violence stats — and was one

    Joseph Sakran is trying to help counter the U.S. epidemic of gun violence with data.

  9. Neuroscience

    Depression among new mothers is finally getting some attention

    Scientists search new mothers’ minds for clues to postpartum depression.

  10. Archaeology

    Bear bone rewrites human history in Ireland

    A rediscovered bear bone puts humans in Ireland at least 12,600 years ago.

  11. Climate

    Climate change could exacerbate economic inequalities in the U.S.

    Counties across the United States won’t all pay the same price for climate change, a new simulation predicts.

  12. Psychology

    When it’s playtime, many kids prefer reality over fantasy

    Given a choice between fantasy play and doing the things that adults do, children prefer reality-based tasks, studies suggest.
