Search Results for: coronavirus

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509 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Masks help new moms with COVID-19 safely breastfeed their babies

    A study reports newborns could be held and breastfed safely when moms with COVID-19 wore masks and cleaned their hands.

  2. Planetary Science

    Coronavirus and technical issues delay a Mars mission’s launch

    The joint European-Russian ExoMars rover’s launch was postponed from July to 2022 so technicians could resolve issues with the landing equipment.

  3. Health & Medicine

    People with rare blood clots after a COVID-19 jab share an uncommon immune response

    AstraZeneca’s and J&J’s shots are linked to antibodies that spark clots. Knowing that lets doctors ID cases and get patients the right treatment.

  4. Health & Medicine

    What WHO calling the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic means

    The world’s top global health organization is asking countries to double down on efforts to both contain the virus and mitigate its impact.

  5. Health & Medicine

    The ‘last mile’ for COVID-19 vaccines could be the biggest challenge yet

    The need for cold storage and booster shots could create problems for distributing coronavirus vaccines to nearly everyone in the world.

  6. Animals

    Discarded COVID-19 PPE such as masks can be deadly to wildlife

    From entanglements to ingestion, two biologists are documenting the impact of single-use masks and gloves on animals around the world.

  7. Readers ask about coronavirus, and weigh in on climate change coverage

  8. Math

    How large a gathering is too large during the coronavirus pandemic?

    Mathematical models explain why large gatherings are especially dangerous in an epidemic, and identify how large is too large.

  9. Health & Medicine

    What coronavirus antibody tests tell us — and what they don’t

    Antibody tests can give a clearer picture of who has been infected but don’t guarantee immunity for those who test positive.

  10. Animals

    A cat appears to have caught the coronavirus, but it’s complicated

    While a cat in Belgium seems to be the first feline infected with SARS-CoV-2, it’s still unclear how susceptible pets are to the disease.

  11. Health & Medicine

    6 key coronavirus numbers you should know

    COVID-19 cases and deaths are going up around the world. Here are numbers to help you understand the outbreak.

  12. Climate

    What the pandemic can teach us about ways to reduce air pollution

    Data collected during COVID-19 shutdowns may help tease out the complicated chemistry that brews poor air quality.
