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3,844 results
  1. Physics

    ‘The Science of TV’s the Big Bang Theory’ educates as it entertains

    A science book inspired by fictional scientists helps readers understand everything from particle physics to potato electricity.

  2. Physics

    Gravity waves exemplify the power of intelligent equations

    Discovering gravity waves confirms Einstein and illustrates the power of the human mind to discern physical phenomena hidden in mathematical equations.

  3. Science & Society

    Humans have pondered aliens since medieval times

    People have been fascinated with extraterrestrials for centuries. If only aliens would get in touch.

  4. Science & Society

    Gun research faces roadblocks and a dearth of data

    Gun violence research is stifled by funding shortfalls and limitations on data access.

  5. Humans

    Moon bounces, bad spider leaders and more reader feedback

    Readers debate faith's role in evolution, compare politicians to spiders and more.

  6. Science & Society

    Autism’s journey from shadows to light

    Science writer Steve Silberman considers autism in the modern era of neurodiversity - a movement to respect neurological differences as natural human variation - framing the relatively progressive autistic experience of today against the the conditions oppressed past.

  7. Science & Society

    Quantum spookiness, magnetic mysteries and more feedback

    Letters and comments from readers on quantum spookiness, Earth's magnetic field, and more.

  8. Science & Society

    How English became science’s lingua franca

    A new book explores the roles of war, politics and economics in the rise of English in scientific communication.

  9. Astronomy

    ‘Black Hole’ traces 100 years of a transformative idea

    Implied by general relativity and proven by astronomical discoveries, black holes’ existence took decades for physicists to accept.

  10. Genetics

    Extinct species may get a second chance

    An evolutionary biologist explains the obstacles scientists must overcome to revive extinct species.

  11. Science & Society

    Cancerous clams and other sci-fi fodder

    Fans of science fiction will find a few items in this issue sure to trip the imagination.

  12. Science & Society

    Max Planck, originator of quantum theory, tormented by war and personal loss

    A biography by physicist Brandon Brown illuminates the personal struggles of the physics pioneer.
