Search Results for: Insects

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6,697 results
  1. Ecosystems

    Confused mayflies wreak havoc on a Pennsylvania bridge

    Cleaning a river in central Pennsylvania brought back mayflies, which now pose a threat to motorists crossing a bridge.

  2. Life

    Here’s how clumps of honeybees may survive blowing in the wind

    Honeybees clumped on trees may adjust their positions to keep the cluster together when it’s jostled by wind, a new study suggests.

  3. Ecosystems

    Planting trees could buy more time to fight climate change than thought

    Earth has nearly a billion hectares suitable for new forests to start trapping carbon, a study finds.

  4. Life

    This spider slingshots itself at extreme speeds to catch prey

    By winding up its web like a slingshot, the slingshot spider achieves an acceleration rate far faster than a cheetah’s.

  5. Animals

    Flying insects tell tales of long-distance migrations

    Researchers are asking big questions about animal movements and pest control by tracking tiny insects in flight.

  6. Ecosystems

    Moonlight shapes how some animals move, grow and even sing

    The moon’s light influences lion prey behavior, dung beetle navigation, fish growth, mass migrations and birdsong.

  7. Animals

    Hemp fields offer a late-season pollen source for stressed bees

    Colorado’s legal fields of low-THC cannabis can attract a lot of bees.

  8. Climate

    The Arctic is burning and Greenland is melting, thanks to record heat

    A heat wave is melting Greenland’s ice and fueling blazes across the Arctic that are pumping record amounts of carbon dioxide into the air.

  9. Animals

    50 years ago, armadillos hinted that DNA wasn’t destiny

    Nine-banded armadillos have identical quadruplets. But the youngsters aren’t identical enough, and scientists 50 years ago could not figure out why.

  10. Animals

    What bees did during the Great American Eclipse

    A rare study of bees during a total solar eclipse finds that the insects buzzed around as usual — until totality.

  11. Animals

    What spiders eating weird stuff tell us about complex Amazon food webs

    By documenting rare events of invertebrates eating small vertebrates, scientists are shedding new light on the Amazon rainforest’s intricate ecosystem.

  12. Health & Medicine

    How allergens in pollen help plants do more than make you sneeze

    A plant’s view of what humans call allergens in pollen grains involves a lot of crucial biology. And sex.
