Search Results for: Fungi

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1,375 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Milk Therapy

    Breast milk has long been known to be the best food for babies, but compounds in breast milk promise to be a tonic for many adult ills as well.

  2. Living History

    Bacteria and fungi living on artworks and artifacts often cause extensive damage.

  3. Humans

    Letters from the October 1, 2005, issue of Science News

    Name game Does the name of Honda’s robot, Asimo, have a meaning in Japanese, or is it just a tip of the hat to Isaac Asimov (“Easy Striders: New humanoids with efficient gaits change the robotics landscape,” SN: 8/6/05, p. 88)? Dennis LynchGlenshaw, Pa. Asimo’s name stands for Advanced Step in Innovative MObility.—N. Moreira Under […]

  4. Health & Medicine

    The Antibiotic Vitamin

    Because vitamin D turns on a major germ killer in the body, a deficiency in the nutrient may leave people especially vulnerable to infections.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Putting the Pressure on Poisons

    Although rice can contain traces of a liver carcinogen, a new study finds that pressure-cooking reduces toxin quantities to safe levels.

  6. Earth

    Air pollution linked to wheat diseases

    The abundance of the air pollutant sulfur dioxide appears to influence which of two fungal pathogens plague more wheat plants.

  7. Humans

    Venting Concerns

    Scientists have developed a code of conduct to guide their research and activities at hydrothermal vents.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Fowl News—Food Additive’s Extra Benefit

    Turkeys and people may both reap unusual benefits from diets supplemented with a preservative originally used to keep foods from going stale.

  9. Earth

    Buried Treasures

    Geologists have long understood the chemical processes that sculpt many cave formations, but they've only recently come up with a physical model that explains some of their shapes.

  10. Earth

    Farmers without Fungus: How to store peanuts to reduce toxins

    African peanut farmers can more than halve their exposure to a class of harmful fungal toxins called aflatoxins by adopting several simple measures after harvest.

  11. Crippled fungus acts as vaccine

    A genetically crippled strain of yeast can vaccinate mice against deadly normal strains.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Protective enzyme has a downside: Asthma

    The abnormal production of a parasite-fighting enzyme contributes to asthma.
