Search Results for: Dogs

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3,878 results
  1. Neuroscience

    Viva vagus: Wandering nerve could lead to range of therapies

    Researchers are testing ways to stimulate the vagus nerve to treat a slew of ailments.

  2. Animals

    Dog-paddle science debunks notion of underwater trot

    From Newfoundlands to Yorkshire terriers, canines swim with similar, distinctive gait.

  3. Genetics

    Gene drives spread their wings

    Gene drives may wipe out malaria and take down invasive species. But they may be difficult to control.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Dog dust may benefit infant immune systems

    Microbes from pet-owning houses protected mice against allergy, infection.

  5. Animals

    Elephant’s big nose wins most sensitive sniffer

    A genetic survey reveals that African elephants harbor more smell sensors than any other known animal.

  6. Genetics

    Exploring dog origins with data and a dose of imagination

  7. Animals

    Bird dropping disguise proves to be effective camouflage

    Several species of spiders and other animals mimic bird poop.

  8. Ecosystems

    Cities are brimming with wildlife worth studying

    Urban ecologists are getting a handle on the varieties of wildlife — including fungi, ants, bats and coyotes — that share sidewalks, parks and alleyways with a city’s human residents.

  9. Animals

    Year in Review: Canine genealogy

    Competing clues confuse the story of dog domestication.

  10. Earth

    ‘Mass Extinction’ vivifies the science of die-offs

    The dinosaurs were killed off some 65 million years ago after a colossal asteroid struck Earth. But what many people probably don’t know is how paleontologists came to that conclusion. "Mass Extinction: Life at the Brink" tells that story.

  11. Animals

    Eliminating prairie dogs can lead to desertification

  12. Animals

    Dogs pick up robots’ social cues

    Dogs were more likely to pay attention to a PeopleBot robot — a machine with a laptop head and Mickey Mouse–style hands — after watching it walk, talk and shake hands with humans.
