Search Results for: Dinosaurs

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1,931 results
  1. Neuroscience

    Brain reconstruction hints at dinosaur communication

    T. rex and other dinos might have understood complex vocal calls.

  2. Psychology


    Readers way in on slacktivism, cockroaches, dinosaur tracks and more.

  3. Paleontology

    New dinosaur species joins ranks of giant carnivores

    The newly named Siats meekerorum probably roamed what is now Utah about 98 million years ago terrorizing the ancestors of T. rex.

  4. Paleontology

    New dino species named Europe’s top predator

    At up to 10 meters long and weighing in at four to five tons, this Tyrannosaurus rex-like beast could have been the biggest predator to ever roam Europe and among the largest dinosaurs to walk Earth during the late Jurassic period.

  5. Paleontology

    Footprints of dino chase digitally reconstructed

    Footprints of a T. rex-type dinosaur chasing an Apatosaurus-like animal have been turned into a 3-D fly-through, giving researchers a way to verify maps of the tracks drawn 70 years ago. (includes video)

  6. Life

    To do: Exhibits to explore in the U.S. and London

    Highlights include the impending arrival of a T. rex skeleton in Washington, D.C., a pterosaur exhibit coming to New York City, and the history of longevity at the Royal Society in London.

  7. Paleontology

    Dinosaur had impressive schnoz

    Fossils found in Utah reveal geographic segregation of horned species.

  8. Animals

    ‘Planet of the Bugs’ reveals the secrets to insects’ success

    Entomologist Scott Richard Shaw explores the evolution of insects and how they came to rule the world.

  9. Animals

    Hummingbirds evolved a strange taste for sugar

    While other birds seem to lack the ability to taste sugar, hummingbirds detect sweetness using a repurposed sensor that normally responds to savory flavors.

  10. Life

    New tree of life confirms strange history of birds

    A genetic analysis supports some odd groupings in the bird tree of life, showing a lot of convergent evolution in avian history.

  11. Paleontology

    ‘Hidden dragon’ fossil is oldest flying reptile

    Researchers have unearthed the oldest pterodactyl ever discovered: Kptodrakon progenitor soared over the Earth 163 million years ago.

  12. Paleontology

    Blogger busts dinosaur myths

    The Science Life.
