Search Results for: Chimpanzee

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947 results
  1. Dyslexia’s DNA Clue: Gene takes stage in learning disorder

    For the first time, scientists have identified a gene that appears to influence the development of at least some cases of dyslexia.

  2. Anthropology

    Gene change hints at brain evolution

    A genetic mutation found only in humans first appeared around 2.8 million years ago, perhaps setting the stage for brain enlargement in the Homo lineage.

  3. The Naked Truth? Lice hint at a recent origin of clothing

    A study of genetic differences among human lice hints at the origin of clothing.

  4. Chimp Change: Did an HIV-like virus ravage early chimps?

    Modern chimpanzees may be the offspring of survivors of an HIV-like pandemic that took place 2 million years ago.

  5. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2004

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2004.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Virus Shield: Ebola vaccine works fast in monkey test

    Tests on monkeys show that an experimental vaccine can build immunity against Ebola virus within a month, suggesting the vaccine might help contain outbreaks of the deadly pathogen.

  7. Culture of the Sea

    Whales and dolphins strut their social stuff for scientists.

  8. Beast Buddies

    As researchers muse about the evolutionary origins of friendship, even the social interactions of giraffes are getting a second look.

  9. Humans

    From the June 3, 1933, issue

    TWO MECHANICAL MEN EXPLAIN BODY’S MECHANISM Mechanical men reveal to the visitors of the Century of Progress exhibition the physiology and chemistry of the human body. The famous transparent man, manufactured in Germany, as a life-sized display of the vital organs of human anatomy is a central exhibit in the medical section of the Hall […]

  10. Humans

    From the September 17, 1932, issue

    ANOTHER GREAT WALL The Great Wall of China, winding like a mighty, protecting serpent along the old northern boundary of the Celestial Kingdom– Hadrian’s Wall, the Great Wall of Britain, built and fortified to shut the barbarians of the north out of southern Britain in Roman days– And now, added to this small, select list […]

  11. Anthropology

    Lucy on the ground with knuckles

    Some early human ancestors appear to have walked on all fours using their knuckles, much as chimpanzees do.

  12. Disabled genes dull sense of smell

    Mutated genes may explain why humans have a poor sense of smell.
