Search Results for: Algae

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1,393 results
  1. 19788

    No mention is made in this article of the huge amount of petrochemical inputs required both for large-scale farming of corn and for the distilling process required to produce ethanol. When these and other environmental costs are factored in, the promotion of corn-based ethanol as fuel will ultimately be exposed as an environmentally disastrous policy. […]

  2. Chemistry

    Fish Killer Caught? Ephemeral Pfiesteria compound surfaces

    Scientists claim to have found an elusive algal toxin implicated in massive fish kills along the Mid-Atlantic coast in the 1990s.

  3. Environment

    Down with Carbon

    Scientists are exploring strategies for capturing carbon dioxide and storing it safely away in order to limit the levels of that greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

  4. Earth

    Oxygen Rocks: Volcanoes spurred early atmospheric change

    Earth owes its oxygen-rich atmosphere to a change in volcanic activity about 2.5 billion years ago.

  5. Humans

    Letters from the March 31, 2007, issue of Science News

    On the hoof Do cows and other domestic-herd animals really emit more methane than bison and other wild-herd animals emitted before people came along? Do grass, alfalfa, and other pasture plants remove less carbon dioxide than do forests? There were open grasslands before pastures replaced some forests. I hope the people who are researching these […]

  6. Earth

    Drug Overflow: Pharmaceutical factories foul waters in India

    A treatment plant in India that processes waste from drug factories feeds enormous amounts of antibiotics and other drugs into local waterways.

  7. Ecosystems

    Fish as Farmers: Reef residents tend an algal crop

    A damselfish cultivates underwater gardens of an algal species that researchers haven't found growing on its own.

  8. Earth

    Hey, What about Us?

    The plight of polar bears may get most of the attention as climate change disrupts the Arctic ice, but plenty of other species, from walrus and seals to one-celled specks, are also going to see their world change radically.

  9. Earth

    A Feverish World

    What's behind global warming—and is there anything we can do?

  10. Humans

    What’s Cookin’

    Science and cooking have gotten intimate, resulting in a new understanding of how molecules are transformed into food and how food is transformed by the body.

  11. Chemistry

    In a Fix: Agricultural chemicals disturb a natural relationship

    Several pesticides can disrupt a partnership that enables certain plants to take up nitrogen by enlisting the help of bacteria.

  12. Agriculture

    Cleaning Up after Livestock

    Manure collection system sanitizes cattle wastes and makes hay—literally—while the sun shines.
