Search Results for: Robotics

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1,529 results
  1. Tech

    ‘Rust’ chronicles humankind’s incessant battle with corrosion

    ‘Rust’ recounts humanity’s unending battle against corrosion, which each year costs the United States an estimated $437 billion — more than all natural disasters combined.

  2. Astronomy

    The craziest NASA mission ever proposed

    In this issue, Meghan Rosen provides an in-depth report on that mission, but without the erroneous conclusion that the Asteroid Redirect Mission has much to do with asteroid defense.

  3. Neuroscience

    Dogs’ brains may process speech similar to humans’

    When it comes to interpreting human speech, dogs may have brain-hemisphere biases similar to people’s.

  4. Materials Science

    Magnetic levitation shows promise for manufacturing

    Suspending soft, sticky and fragile objects between magnets may be a way to manipulate the materials in 3-D space without needing to touch them.

  5. Life

    Springs bring gecko stickiness to human scale

    Springs of a stretchy alloy let gecko-inspired adhesives work at human scales to climb glass walls or grab space junk.

  6. Animals

    Birds large and small hop over obstacles in similar ways

    Bipedal birds, from tiny quail to huge ostriches, tackled a step in a similar way, minimizing energy cost and maximizing safety.

  7. Materials Science

    Nanotube whiskers could aid robot-human interaction

    Tiny hairlike sensors made from nanomaterials are more sensitive than existing devices to detect tiny pressures.

  8. Animals

    If pursued by a goshawk, make a sharp turn

    Scientists put a tiny camera on a northern goshawk and watched it hunt. The bird used several strategies to catch prey, failing only when its targets made a sharp turn.

  9. Planetary Science

    Year in review: Business booming on Mars

    Mars now has seven robots studying it and together they have given scientists their best view of any planet in the solar system other than Earth.

  10. Tech

    Termite-inspired robots build structures without central command

    Simple guidelines keep machines hauling and placing bricks.

  11. Planetary Science

    Philae lander sent in a surprise before going to sleep

    The robotic probe that landed on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko has beamed back some surprises about the icy boulder.

  12. Science & Society

    Science’s good, bad, ugly year

    In the race for Top Science Story of 2014, some of the contenders stumbled before reaching the finish line.
