Search Results for: coronavirus

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509 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Indoor, high-intensity fitness classes may help spread the coronavirus

    As more U.S. states reopen and people return to public life, dance fitness classes in South Korea tell a cautionary tale.

  2. Health & Medicine

    T cells may help COVID-19 patients — and people never exposed to the virus

    Researchers found certain immune cells that help the body fight off an infection in the blood of people who recovered from a coronavirus infection.

  3. Special Report: Fighting the Virus

    This special report investigates what it will take to regain some sense of normalcy: Safe and effective treatments and a vaccine, along with testing and contact-tracing systems.

  4. Health & Medicine

    A Brazilian city devastated by COVID-19 may have reached herd immunity

    Up to half of Manaus was infected at the epidemic’s peak, which slowed further spread of the virus but also led to many deaths, scientists say.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Hydroxychloroquine can’t stop COVID-19. It’s time to move on, scientists say

    Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work as antiviral or a treatment for COVID-19, an abundance of scientific data suggest.

  6. Health & Medicine

    For 50 years, CT scans have saved lives, revealed beauty and more

    In 1971, the first CT scan of a patient laid bare the human brain. That was just the beginning of a whole new way to view human anatomy.

  7. Health & Medicine

    How often do asymptomatic people spread the coronavirus? It’s unclear

    A WHO official said people without COVID-19 symptoms rarely spread the virus, but there’s a lot that researchers don’t yet understand.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Remdesivir may work even better against COVID-19 than we thought

    Gilead Sciences says remdesivir cuts the chances of dying from the coronavirus, and data show the drug can curb the virus’s growth in cells and mice.

  9. Data visualizations turn numbers into a story

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute writes about the power of using data visualizations in storytelling.

  10. Health & Medicine

    A COVID-19 vaccine may come soon. Will the blistering pace backfire?

    Speed is essential, but not at the expense of safety and efficacy, experts warn. Sacrificing either could damage public trust.

  11. Health & Medicine

    A sobering breakdown of severe COVID-19 cases shows young adults can’t dismiss it

    Of about 3,200 people ages 18 to 34 hospitalized with COVID-19, nearly a quarter entered intensive care, and 10 percent were placed on ventilators.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Millions of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. may have gone undiagnosed in March

    Millions of people in the United States went to the doctor in March with influenza-like symptoms. Many may have had COVID-19, a study suggests.
