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3,844 results
  1. Earth

    Earth’s inner secrets divulged in ‘Into the Heart of Our World’

    A scientific journey to the center of the Earth includes just as much excitement and mystery as Jules Verne’s classic novel, a new book demonstrates.

  2. Earth

    Pioneering geologist sought to demystify volcanic eruptions

    In The Last Volcano, a geologist profiles Thomas Jaggar, one of the 20th century’s most influential volcanologists.

  3. Science & Society

    Analysis gives a glimpse of the extraordinary language of lying

    A study of fraudulent research articles reveals patterns in language that indicate a paper is worthy of closer scrutiny.

  4. Chemistry

    Three kids’ science books offer fun, fascinating experiments

    No matter what interests kids, there’s a do-it-yourself science book for them. Here are three with entertaining and educational options.

  5. Science & Society

    General relativity centennial celebrates Einstein’s genius

    Science News uses the opportunity of the 100th anniversary of the general theory of relativity to take a deep dive into one — perhaps the most important — of Einstein’s scientific contributions.

  6. Animals

    ‘On the Wing’ chronicles origins of flying animals

    In "On the Wing," a biomechanicist reviews how animals took to the air.

  7. Earth

    Nuclear blasts, other human activity signal new epoch, group argues

    A group of scientists will formally propose the human-defined Anthropocene as a new epoch in Earth’s geologic history within a few years, probably pegging the start date to nuclear tests.

  8. Agriculture

    Readers debate GMOs

    Genetically-modified food, nuclear fusion, black holes and more reader feedback.

  9. Cosmology

    ‘The Cosmic Web’ weaves tale of universe’s architecture

    A new book chronicles the quest over the last century to understand how the universe is pieced together and how it came to be this way.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Gum disease opens up the body to a host of infections

    Researchers are getting to the root of gum disease's implications for other diseases.

  11. Neuroscience

    Readers respond to stress, tattoos, and the universe

    Stress, tattoos, cosmic origins and more reader feedback.

  12. Quantum Physics

    Quantum histories get all tangled up

    Multiple versions of history may be quantum entangled just like particles, a new experiment suggests.
