Search Results for: Geology

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7,733 results
  1. Planetary Science

    What Curiosity has yet to tell us about Mars

    Curiosity has revealed a lot about Mars in the last five years. But NASA’s rover still has work to do on the Red Planet.

  2. Earth

    Dual magma plumes fueled volcanic eruptions during final days of dinosaurs

    Two magma plumes fueled the Deccan volcanic eruptions around the time of the dinosaur extinction 66 million years ago.

  3. Earth

    How hurricanes and other devastating disasters spur scientific research

    Hurricanes such as Harvey, Irma and others have been devastating, even deadly, yet they drive our desire for scientific discovery.

  4. Astronomy

    In new Cassini portraits, Saturn’s moon Pan looks like pasta

    Photographs taken this week by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft provide a closer view of Saturn’s small moon Pan, which resembles ravioli.

  5. Earth

    Nuclear blasts, other human activity signal new epoch, group argues

    A group of scientists will formally propose the human-defined Anthropocene as a new epoch in Earth’s geologic history within a few years, probably pegging the start date to nuclear tests.

  6. Earth

    Magma stored under volcanoes is mostly solid

    Ancient zircon crystals provide clues about the magma that fuels volcanic eruptions.

  7. Animals

    How oral vaccines could save Ethiopian wolves from extinction

    A mass oral vaccination program in Ethiopian wolves could pave the way for other endangered species and help humans, too.

  8. Chemistry

    Every breath you take contains a molecule of history

    In 'Caesar’s Last Breath', best-selling author Sam Kean tells vivid stories about the gases we can’t see.

  9. Earth

    Evidence falls into place for once and future supercontinents

    Shifting landmasses have repeatedly reshaped Earth’s surface. Researchers piecing together the past are now picturing a new supercontinent, due in 250 million years.

  10. Paleontology

    Ancient attack marks show ocean predators got scarier

    Killer snails and other ocean predators that drill through shells have grown bigger over evolutionary time.

  11. Animals

    Seabirds use preening to decide how to divvy up parenting duties

    Seabirds in poor condition may communicate this information to their partner by delaying or withholding preening.

  12. Earth

    Deep heat may have spawned one of the world’s deadliest tsunamis

    The 2004 Indonesian quake was surprisingly strong because of dried-out, brittle minerals far below.
