Search Results for: Dogs

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3,878 results
  1. Anthropology

    Pots from hunter-gatherer site in China tell tale of lifestyle shift

    Chinese foragers settled down and made pottery shortly before farming’s ascent.

  2. Animals

    Five surprising animals that play

    No one is shocked to find playful behavior in a cat, dog or other mammal. But scientists have documented play in plenty of other species, including reptiles and insects.

  3. Agriculture

    Cage free isn’t good enough for livestock, ‘The Modern Savage’ argues

    Even on a small farm, life can be brutal for animals, historian and animal rights advocate says in new book.

  4. Tech

    ‘Rust’ chronicles humankind’s incessant battle with corrosion

    ‘Rust’ recounts humanity’s unending battle against corrosion, which each year costs the United States an estimated $437 billion — more than all natural disasters combined.

  5. Genetics

    Dogs’ origins lie in Europe

    First domesticated canines did not live in China or Middle East, a study of mitochondrial DNA finds.

  6. Ecosystems

    When animals invade human spaces

    ‘Feral Cities’ explores the wildlife living amongst us, sometimes noticed and sometimes not.

  7. Genetics

    Anti-inflammation genes linked to longer lives

    Inflammation-dampening genes fight oxidants and promote longer life spans.

  8. Animals

    A brief history of animal death in space

    The Russian “sexy space geckos” join a long list of creatures that have died after humans sent them into space.

  9. Neuroscience

    Like people, dogs have brain areas that respond to voices

    MRI study may help explain how pups understand human communication.

  10. Animals

    Pets’ rights explored in ‘Citizen Canine’

    Science journalist David Grimm describes pet's progression towards full citizenship.

  11. Life

    Blood clotting disorder blocked in dogs

    Gene therapy stopped severe bleeding in dogs with the blood clotting disorder hemophilia.

  12. Animals

    Cats and foxes are driving Australia’s mammals extinct

    Since the arrival of Europeans in Australia, a startling number of mammal species have disappeared. A new study puts much of the blame on introduced cats and foxes.
