Search Results for: Algae

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1,393 results
  1. Humans

    Kids Deserve Their Own Science News

    Where to find cool and informative middle-school-appropriate news on science: Here.

  2. Earth

    Dead Serious

    Little progress has been made this decade in reducing the size of the Gulf of Mexico's dead zone, a massive area of oxygen-depleted water caused by agricultural and urban runoff.

  3. Animals

    Not-OK Coral

    First big species audit finds coral extinction risks severely under-reported

  4. Jungle Down There: What’s a kelp forest doing in the tropics?

    Kelp, algae that grow in cold water, turn out to be surprisingly widespread in tropical seas.

  5. Paleontology

    Salty Old Cellulose: Tiny fibers found in ancient halite deposits

    Researchers have recovered microscopic bits of cellulose from 253-million-year-old salt deposits deep underground.

  6. Earth

    The Costs of Meat and Fish

    The purchase price is often but a small part of the true cost of many animal products in the diet.

  7. The Next Ocean

    Increasing carbon dioxide in the air is changing the pH of the ocean, which could mean very different communities of sea creatures.

  8. Archaeology

    Lake-Bottom Bounty: Some Arctic sediments didn’t erode during recent ice ages

    Sediments in a few lakes in northeastern Canada were not scoured away during recent ice ages, a surprising find that could prove a boon to climate researchers.

  9. Cell’s core pore structure solved

    Scientists working in yeast have deciphered the structure of the complex cluster of proteins that regulates access to the nucleus of cells.

  10. Earth

    Rogue alga routed

    An invasive-species action team has eradicated one of the world's worst weeds, a marine alga, from a California lagoon, its only known foothold in North America.

  11. Earth

    Let’s Get Vertical

    City buildings offer opportunities for farms to grow up instead of out.

  12. Physics

    Quantum Capture: Photosynthesis tries many paths at once

    The wavelike behavior of energy in chlorophyll might explain how plants are so efficient at using solar energy.
