Search Results for: coronavirus

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509 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    The FDA has canceled emergency use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19

    The malaria drug is unlikely to work as an antiviral and its risks don’t outweigh benefits in use against the coronavirus, the agency rules.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Meet Sophia Upshaw, a volunteer in a coronavirus vaccine trial

    In Seattle and Atlanta, scientists have started testing the safety of a potential vaccine to prevent COVID-19.

  3. Readers ask about antibody tests, chimeras and public health and privacy

  4. Health & Medicine

    Antibodies made in the lab show some promise for treating COVID-19

    Preliminary results from two companies hint that the proteins can help COVID-19 patients from needing hospitalization or ventilation.

  5. Science & Society

    Our favorite books of 2020 covered climate change, Mars, the end of the universe and more

    In a year when the coronavirus pandemic dominated the news, these books were a welcomed distraction.

  6. Health & Medicine

    How four summer camps in Maine prevented COVID-19 outbreaks

    More than 1,000 kids and staff members from all over the country attended the camps, but only three people ended up testing positive for the virus.

  7. Health & Medicine

    COVID-19 vaccines by Oxford, CanSino and Pfizer all trigger immune responses

    In three clinical trials, vaccine candidates appear safe and induce the production of antibodies and other immune cell responses against the coronavirus.

  8. Health & Medicine

    How COVID-19 may trigger dangerous blood clots

    Clots may stem from net-casting immune cells that, instead of fighting a coronavirus infection, capture red blood cells and platelets.

  9. Life

    Two new books investigate why it’s so hard to define life

    For centuries, scientists have struggled to define what it means to be alive. ‘What Is Life?’ and ‘Life’s Edge’ explore the question.

  10. Health & Medicine

    New data suggest people aren’t getting reinfected with the coronavirus

    People who recover from COVID-19 but later test positive again for the coronavirus don’t carry infectious virus, a study finds.

  11. Psychology

    In the social distancing era, boredom may pose a public health threat

    Boredom contributes to pandemic fatigue and may account for why some people don’t follow social distancing rules.

  12. Health & Medicine

    How two immune system chemicals may trigger COVID-19’s deadly cytokine storms

    A study in mice hints at drugs that could be helpful in treating severe coronavirus infections.
