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3,844 results
  1. Science & Society

    Top 10 science stories of 2016: Gravitational waves, Zika, Proxima b and more

    The detection of gravitational waves takes the top spot in our top 10 stories of 2016. Also on the list: Zika’s devastation, a nearby exoplanet discovery and more.

  2. Climate

    Geoengineering is world’s last hope, new book argues

    Geoengineering is humankind’s only viable solution to curb climate change impacts, a journalist contends in The Planet Remade.

  3. Genetics

    Jumping genes play a big role in what makes us human

    Jumping genes have been a powerful force in human evolution.

  4. Science & Society

    ‘House of Lost Worlds’ opens vaults of renowned natural history museum

    'House of Lost Worlds' pays homage to Yale’s Peabody Museum of Natural History and to the colorful scientists who made the museum great.

  5. Science & Society

    Centennial books illuminate Einstein’s greatest triumph

    Scholars mark general relativity 100ths anniversary with books on history, biography, science.

  6. Physics

    ‘Gravity waves’ is an OK way to refer to gravitational radiation

    There’s not lexicographical basis for complaints that ‘gravity wave’ is incorrect usage for gravitational waves.

  7. Science & Society

    Why people don’t vote, and what to do about it

    The United States has terrible voter turnout. Political scientists have studied why people don’t vote and some effective ways to improve voter participation.

  8. Particle Physics

    Dark matter helped destroy the dinosaurs, physicist posits

    In ‘Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs,’ Lisa Randall finds connections between particle physics, cosmology, geology and paleontology.

  9. Science & Society

    Historian puts new spin on scientific revolution

    The Invention of Science offers readers an unconventional perspective on the origins of modern science.

  10. Earth

    ‘Eruption’ looks back at devastating Mount St. Helens blast

    In Eruption, a science writer recounts the societal, economic and geologic forces that contributed to the Mount St. Helens disaster.

  11. Psychology

    Psychologist probes possible link between prodigy, autism

    The Prodigy’s Cousin explores the baffling world of child prodigies and people with autism.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Microbes make the meal, new diet book proposes

    Researcher Tim Spector skewers conventional thinking about weight loss in ‘The Diet Myth’
