Search Results for: Whales

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1,375 results
  1. Ecosystems

    Marine census: Surprising number of creatures bipolar

    Census of Marine Life offers a preview of massive international census gives fuller count, shows some sea species at both poles.

  2. Animals

    Whales Drink Sounds: Hearing may use an ancient path

    Sounds can travel to a whale's ears through its throat, an acoustic pathway that might be ancient in the whale lineage.

  3. Animals

    Dolphins wield tools of the sea

    A long-term study of dolphins living off Australia’s coast finds that a small number of them, mostly females, frequently use sea sponges to forage for fish on the ocean floor.

  4. 19923

    I have heard that whales evolved millions of years ago into their present form, including their very large brains. We humans must be relatively recent in terms of our brain structures. Are there data concerning evolutionary development in whales? Matthew KabriskyDayton, Ohio “Learning to Listen: How some vertebrates evolved biological sonar” (SN: 5/14/05, p. 314) […]

  5. Life

    Enter the Virosphere

    As evidence of the influence of viruses escalates, appreciation of these master manipulators grows.

  6. Humans

    Letters from the March 1, 2008, issue of Science News

    Big evolvers Regarding “Whales Drink Sounds: Hearing may use an ancient path” (SN: 2/9/08, p. 84), I have heard that whales evolved millions of years ago into their present form, including their very large brains. We humans must be relatively recent in terms of our brain structures. Are there data concerning evolutionary development in whales? […]

  7. Health & Medicine

    Overly Hungry for Frogs

    Frogs are shipped half-way round the world to sate human appetites for this lean white meat.

  8. Tech

    Holiday Gifts: Blog Sites

    Sample other blogs and let us know of notables that we missed that are also worth sharing.

  9. Animals

    Built for Speed

    Animals would prove fierce competitors at the Olympics — if only they would stay in their lanes.

  10. Life

    Step-by-step Evolution

    Hard to find, but very fruitful when found, transitional fossils fill in the gaps in the paleontological record.

  11. Humans

    America’s worst oil disaster still isn’t over

    Impacts of the Exxon Valdez oil spill linger.

  12. Earth

    One Rockin’ Library

    This dusty library saves the geo-curious a trip to Antarctica.
