Search Results for: Dogs

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3,878 results
  1. Animals

    Same math describes relationship between diverse predators and prey

    From lions to plankton, predators have about the same relationship to the amount of prey, a big-scale ecology study predicts.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Microcephaly: Building a case against Zika

    Zika virus is the prime suspect for Brazil’s recent surge in birth defects. New evidence in human cells strengthens the case, but more definitive proof could come this summer from Colombia, where thousands of pregnant women have been infected.

  3. Physics

    Gravity’s Ghost and Big Dog

    Sociologist Harry Collins chronicles the occasionally heated (and often arcane) debates among scientists studying gravitational waves.

  4. Health & Medicine

    How Zika became the prime suspect in microcephaly mystery

    New evidence in human cells strengthens the case against Zika in Brazil's microcephaly surge, but more definitive proof could come this summer from Colombia.

  5. Neuroscience

    How a fat hormone might make us born to run

    Many runners finish long races in a euphoric mood. The underpinnings of this runner’s high may involve many chemicals, including the fat hormone leptin.

  6. Genetics

    Pregnancy in mammals evolved with help from roving DNA

    DNA that “jumped” around the genome helped early mammals shift from laying eggs to giving birth to live young.

  7. Life

    Cheetahs, but not wild dogs, manage to live with lions

    One conservation tenet says that cheetahs can’t survive when lions are around, but it’s wild dogs that disappeared in one lion-dense area of the Serengeti.

  8. Psychology

    No, cheese is not just like crack

    Recent news reports claimed that a study shows cheese is addictive. But the facts behind the research show cheese and crack have little in common.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Antibiotics early in life may have lingering effects

    A study in mice show long-lasting effects from courses of antibiotics early in life.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Five reasons to not totally panic about ticks and Lyme disease

    We’ve been trained to panic about tick bites and Lyme disease. There are risks to both — and here are some key facts.

  11. Genetics

    Genes involved in dog OCD identified

    Scientists say they have identified several of the genes that trigger obsessive-compulsive disorder in Doberman pinschers, bullterriers, sheepdogs and German shepherds.

  12. Psychology

    The guilty pleasure of funny cat videos

    Many people love posting and looking at cute kitty content online. A new survey shows that this could be because it helps us manage our emotions.
