Search Results for: Bears

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6,745 results
  1. Planetary Science

    After 15 years on Mars, it’s the end of the road for Opportunity

    After 15 years of exploring Mars, a dust storm led to the demise of NASA’s longest-lived rover.

  2. Anthropology

    A fossil mistaken for a bat may shake up lemurs’ evolutionary history

    On Madagascar, a type of lemur called aye-ayes may have a singular evolutionary history.

  3. Neuroscience

    In a tally of nerve cells in the outer wrinkles of the brain, a dog wins

    Among some carnivores, golden retrievers rate at the top for numbers of nerve cells, study finds.

  4. Planetary Science

    Cosmic dust may create Mars’ wispy clouds

    Magnesium left by passing comets seeds the clouds of Mars, a new study suggests.

  5. Climate

    What happens when the Bering Sea’s ice disappears?

    Record-low sea ice in 2018 sent ripples through the Bering Sea’s entire ecosystem. Will this be the region’s new normal?

  6. Chemistry

    Speeding up evolution to create useful proteins wins the chemistry Nobel

    The three winners, which include the fifth woman to win the chemistry prize, pioneered techniques used to fashion customized proteins for new biofuels and drugs.

  7. Climate

    Here’s how climate change is fueling Hurricane Florence

    Scientists take a stab at predicting climate change’s influence on Hurricane Florence.

  8. Psychology

    Sometimes a failure to replicate a study isn’t a failure at all

    Ego depletion is one of the most well-known concepts in social psychology. A recent study can’t confirm an old one showing it exists. Who is right? Probably everyone.

  9. Tech

    Robots are becoming classroom tutors. But will they make the grade?

    Educational robots show promise for helping kids in the classroom or at home, but researchers are still figuring out how these bots should behave.

  10. Anthropology

    Museum mummies sport world’s oldest tattoo drawings

    A wild bull and symbolic designs were imprinted on the bodies of two Egyptians at least 5,000 years ago.

  11. Life

    There’s a genetic explanation for why warmer nests turn turtles female

    Scientists have found a temperature-responsive gene that controls young turtles’ sex fate.

  12. Planetary Science

    Two daring spacecraft aim to bring asteroid dust back to Earth

    A pair of daredevil spacecraft that aim to bring asteroid dust back to Earth have reached their targets and are scouting for the best sampling spots.
