Search Results for: Vertebrates

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1,505 results
  1. Animals

    Ten real-life Halloween horrors in the natural world

    Vampires and witches are nothing compared to mind-controlling parasites, nose ticks and antibiotic-resistant superbugs.

  2. Animals

    Frustrated fish get feisty

    Smaller rainbow trout become more aggressive towards bigger fish when they don’t their usual treats.

  3. Letters to the editor

    Invertebrate enigmas I found the recent article “Evolutionary enigmas” (SN: 5/18/13, p. 20) fascinating because I know of another example of an invertebrate animal possessing a “strictly vertebrate” quality. As a high school human anatomy and physiology teacher, I sometimes have my students test the effects of the constituents in cigarette smoke on live Daphnia […]

  4. Life

    Rivalry helps fruit flies maintain brainpower

    In lab tests, males dim mentally after generations without competitors.

  5. Climate

    How species will, or won’t, manage in a warming world

    Fast evolution and flexibility, in biology and behavior, may allow some species to adapt to a warming world. Others may need help from humans, or risk dying out.

  6. Paleontology

    Hunting fossils in England

    On Monmouth Beach, just west of the center of Lyme Regis, amateur and professional collectors have been making discoveries for more than two centuries.

  7. Animals

    Comb jelly immune system can spot old enemies

    Animal at base of family tree could help researchers understand the evolution of immunity.

  8. Animals

    African frog conceals itself with chemicals

    Two small peptides keep the West African savanna frog from being stung by ants.

  9. Animals

    Lizard breath has surprising birdlike flow

    Decades of assumptions may be wrong about the evolution of reptile lungs.

  10. Genetics

    Evolution of venom, binge eating seen in snake DNA

    Python and cobra genes evolved quickly to enable hunting strategies.

  11. Genetics

    Genes for body symmetry may also control handedness

    Lefties and righties can thank same genes that put hearts on left side for hand dominance, study of thousands of people’s DNA suggests.

  12. Upcoming events

    From the issue of March 23, 2013.
