Search Results for: Primates

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1,416 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Rare neurons found in monkeys’ brains

    Cells linked to empathy and consciousness in primates may offer clues to human self-awareness.

  2. Animals

    Chimps lend a hand

    The finding suggests nonhuman primates recognize their peers’ intentions and desires.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Mapping the brain’s superhighways

    New scans created using diffusion MRI technique reveal an order to information flow in the mind.

  4. SN Online

    SCIENCE & THE PUBLIC BLOGImported primate meat hosts potentially dangerous viruses. See “Bush meat can be a viral feast.” LIFE A snake senses prey’s last heartbeats. See “Boas take pulse as they snuff it out.” ATOM & COSMOS A simulation hints at why space is 3-D. Read “String theorists squeeze nine dimensions into three.” BODY […]

  5. Life

    No new smell cells

    Other mammals constantly create new olfactory neurons as they learn new smells, but a new study suggests humans don’t.

  6. Humans

    The world’s oldest profession: chef

    The invention of cooking almost 2 million years ago was a central event in human evolution, a new study suggests.

  7. 2012 Computational and Systems Neuroscience Meeting

    Highlights from the annual meeting, held February 23 – 26 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Procedure offers hope in type 1 diabetes

    A new approach restored adequate, lasting insulin production in seven of 12 mice tested.

  9. Life

    Baboons show their word skills

    Monkeys learn to distinguish words from nonwords, suggesting ancient evolutionary roots for reading.

  10. Life

    Climate change may leave many mammals homeless

    In some places over the next century, projected warming threatens the survival of more than one in three species.

  11. Among African Apes: Stories and Photos from the Field by Martha M. Robbins and Christophe Boesch, eds.

    Tales and photos from primate researchers give readers a vivid look into the lives of apes. Univ. of California Press, 2011, 182 p., $29.95

  12. Life

    Culture results when chimps get cracking

    Adjacent groups in Africa follow different traditions when it comes to opening nuts.
