Search Results for: Fungi

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1,375 results
  1. Life

    Fastest spores in the West (or anywhere)

    SEE THE VIDEO: Researchers film a fungus catapulting its spores with an acceleration greater than what astronauts feel.

  2. Health & Medicine

    How the body rubs out West Nile virus

    Tests in mice show how the immune system tracks down cells infected with West Nile virus, findings that might explain why some old people fare worst from the virus.

  3. Building Beauty

    Deconstructing flowers yields the secrets of petals, scents and hue.

  4. Chemistry

    Light could heal materials

    Scientists have created a new material that repairs itself when exposed to ultraviolet light.

  5. Earth

    Steven Chu’s Senate Confirmation Looks Certain

    Senate energy committee appreciates Obama's pick for Secretary of Energy.

  6. Ecosystems

    Nomadic ants hunt mushrooms

    A species of ants not well understood surprises researchers with a nomadic lifestyle, roaming the rainforest on fungal forays.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Diversity of human skin bacteria revealed

    First large-scale inventory of microbes charts types, locales of bacteria.

  8. Trouble with truffles

    A Chinese truffle species has invaded Italy, raising fears that the newcomer could overgrow the Italian black truffle on its home territory.

  9. Animals

    Not so prudish after all

    Unsuspected genetic diversity found in asexual animals.

  10. 19920

    There is already a Web site that also aims to answer “What’s in my backyard?” At, David Stang has assembled close to 3 million pages of information (one species per page) based on more than 37 million field observations that include latitude and longitude. Taxonomic information is provided, and there are more than 250,000 […]

  11. Health & Medicine

    Amniotic sac not so sacrosanct

    Infections found in amniotic fluid may be more common than thought and may cause premature birth.

  12. Humans

    Kids Deserve Their Own Science News

    Where to find cool and informative middle-school-appropriate news on science: Here.
