Search Results for: Dogs

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3,878 results
  1. Microbes

    Get to know your microbes at ‘The Secret World Inside You’

    The American Museum of Natural History’s newest exhibit rehabilitates bacteria’s bad reputation and introduces visitors to the microbiome.

  2. Paleontology

    Ancient wolf skulls challenge dog domestication timeline

    A 3-D analysis of two ancient canine skulls from Russia and Belgium suggests the fossils were of wolves, not dogs.

  3. Paleontology

    Dinosaurs may have used color as camouflage

    Fossilized pigments could paint a vivid picture of a dinosaur’s life.

  4. Astronomy

    Brightest galaxy discovered

    The brightest known galaxy is about 350 trillion times as bright as the sun, and a supermassive black hole is to blame.

  5. Animals

    Parakeets can catch yawns from their neighbors

    Humans and dogs aren't the only ones that can pass along a yawn. They appear to be contagious among parakeets, too.

  6. Animals

    When you’re happy and you show it, dogs know it

    A new test using pictures of halves of human faces challenges dogs’ abilities to read people’s emotions.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Zika, psychobiotics and more in reader feedback

    Readers respond to the April 2, 2016, issue of Science News with thoughts on Zika virus, planetary science, microbes in mental health and more.

  8. Animals

    Dog disease threatens Siberian tigers

    Canine distemper virus poses a particular danger to small groups of the big cats.

  9. Neuroscience

    Dogs’ brains may process speech similar to humans’

    When it comes to interpreting human speech, dogs may have brain-hemisphere biases similar to people’s.

  10. Planetary Science

    A modest Plutonian proposal

    Flagstaff, Echidna, Spock. Naming conventions for the landscapes of Pluto and its moons are proposed ahead of the arrival of the New Horizons probe.

  11. Chemistry

    Zippy videos teach chemistry behind everyday life

    The American Chemical Society breaks down complex reactions of everyday life in zippy online video clips.

  12. Genetics

    Contagious cancer found in clams

    A soft-shell clam disease is just the third example of a contagious cancer.
