Search Results for: Ants

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1,562 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Six-legged Arthritis Relief

    Here's a novel health food I learned about this morning--one that could be free for the gleaning right outside your front door (especially if you live in China). Warning: You have to be quick or it will get away.

  2. Plants

    Losing life’s variety

    2010 is the deadline set for reversing declines in biodiversity,  but little has been accomplished.

  3. Animals

    Farm girl has the chops

    The first big family tree presenting the history of fungus-growing ants shows the leaf-cutters as the newest branch, and a very recent one at that.

  4. Life

    Climate warms, creatures head for the hills

    Unusual data let scientists test predictions that global warming drives species up slopes.

  5. As the worms churn

    Burrowing animals mix soil and sediments, shaping the environment and scientists’ understanding of it.

  6. Animals

    Bad berries

    A parasitic worm transforms ants into walking tropical berries.

  7. Animals

    Fenced-off trees drop their friends

    Protecting acacia trees from large, tree-munching animals sets off a chain of events that ends up ruining the trees' partnership with their bodyguard ants.

  8. Earth

    Improved Cars: Chu on It

    Hey Detroit: Lighten up, the incoming Energy Secretary recommends.

  9. Tech

    Whiz Kids: The Movie

    New independent film showcases the arduous path by which extraodinary high school researchers reach the Science Talent Search competition in Washington, D.C.

  10. Life

    Embryos can learn visually

    For cuttlefish embryos, what they see is what they'll crave as food later

  11. Life

    Schools make fish smarter

    A study of consensus decision making shows that sticklebacks make wider choices in groups of three or more.

  12. Life

    Darwin’s Evolution

    Darwin's life and his contribution to science.
