Search Results for: Algae

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1,393 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Proteins last longer in the brain

    A study in mice could lead to a better understanding of aging, Alzheimer’s and other degenerative processes.

  2. Young’uns adrift on the sea

    Scientists try to identify and track elusive larvae in a boundless ocean.

  3. Chemistry

    Bacterium grows with arsenic

    A microbe appears to substitute a normally toxic element for a basic ingredient of life, raising intriguing questions about the limits of biochemistry.

  4. A partnership apart

    DNA in hand, scientists dissect and redefine the iconic lichen mutualism.

  5. Chemistry

    Different strokes

    Though they share the same design, new micromachines are not a synchronized swimming team.

  6. Earth

    Perforated blobs may be early sponges

    Odd shapes in Australian rocks could be the oldest fossil evidence of multicellular animals.

  7. Book Review: What On Earth Evolved? 100 Species That Changed the World by Christopher Lloyd

    Review by Sid Perkins.

  8. Earth

    Signs of ancient sea ice

    New analyses of Arctic seafloor sediments suggest floating ice debuted in the ocean at least 47.5 million years ago.

  9. Life

    Enter the Virosphere

    As evidence of the influence of viruses escalates, appreciation of these master manipulators grows.

  10. Earth

    Florida’s big chill may have hammered corals near shore

    January cold snap caused rare wintertime coral bleaching and die-offs for Florida’s coral reefs.

  11. The Biofuel Future

    Scientists seek ways to make green energy pay off.

  12. Earth

    Feds propose banning giant snakes

    Today, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced plans to ban the importation and interstate transport of nine species of giant snakes. It’s a good idea, but a little like closing the barn door after the horse — or in this case, the pythons and anacondas — got loose.
