Search Results for: mars mission

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1,004 results
  1. Into orbit

    MESSENGER pays a yearlong visit to Mercury.

  2. Astronomy

    A Shadowed Past

    Understanding of moon’s earliest days gets even murkier.

  3. Planetary Science

    Venus, erupting?

    Lava flow suggests recent volcanism on Earth’s nearest planetary neighbor.

  4. Space

    Asteroid-bound: Scientists look for worthy rock

    Scientists consider how to pick a prime asteroid for human exploration

  5. Space

    Wet past for Red Planet

    An ocean blanketed one-third of Mars about 3.5 billion years ago, a new study suggests.

  6. Planetary Science

    New rock type found on moon

    Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material that originated deep inside the moon.

  7. Space

    All wet, or high and dry?

    The moon’s interior contains far less water than Earth’s, new studies of rocks collected by Apollo astronauts suggest.

  8. Space

    Mars rover Spirit still running, but only in place

    Six years into its 90-day mission, NASA’s rover becomes a lander

  9. Book Review: Voyager: Seeking Newer Worlds in the Third Great Age of Discovery by Stephen J. Pyne

    Review by Alexandra Witze.

  10. Space

    Probing the heart and soul of star formation

    An infrared spacecraft has captured a penetrating view of two dusty nebulae about 6,000 light-years from Earth.

  11. Liquid Acquisition

    Two new scenarios ramp up debate over how Earth got its water.

  12. Space

    Spacecraft takes express tour of Martian moon

    New images and gravity data reveal details about the origin and composition of Phobos.
