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3,844 results
  1. Genetics

    Consumer DNA testing promises more than it delivers

    Chances are your DNA doesn’t contain dark secrets. But there may be lots of variety in results from testing company to company.

  2. Ecosystems

    Invasive species, climate change threaten Great Lakes

    In The Death and Life of the Great Lakes, a journalist chronicles the lakes’ downward spiral and slow revival.

  3. Environment

    Humans’ stuff vastly outweighs humans

    The human-made technosphere weighs 30 trillion tons and surpasses the natural biosphere in mass and diversity, researchers estimate.

  4. Animals

    New book tells strange tales of evolution

    'The Wasp That Brainwashed the Caterpillar' features a cadre of critters that have evolved seemingly bizarre solutions to some of life’s biggest problems.

  5. Neuroscience

    Mysteries of time still stump scientists

    The new book "Why Time Flies" is an exploration of how the body perceives time.

  6. Animals

    ‘Cannibalism’ chronicles grisly science of eating your own

    In "Cannibalism", a zoologist explores a grisly topic that scientists have only recently begun to study seriously.

  7. Physics

    To understand rivers, let physics be your guide

    Where the River Flows unites physics and environmental science to explain Earth’s waterways.

  8. Animals

    Shocking stories tell tale of London Zoo’s founding

    In The Zoo, Isobel Charman pens a gripping narrative of the London Zoo’s early days, when workers had a hard time keeping animals alive.

  9. Archaeology

    Real-life adventure tale details search for legendary city

    "The Lost City of the Monkey God" recounts archaeological expedition to uncover truth behind Honduras’ “White City" myth.

  10. Genetics

    What consumer DNA data can and can’t tell you about your risk for certain diseases

    Consumers face lots of choices and unanswered questions when they get personal genomic information related to disease risk from the Internet.

  11. Genetics

    DNA testing can bring families together, but gives mixed answers on ethnicity

    DNA testing has become a new way for millions of Americans to expand their family trees and learn something about themselves, but results vary widely.

  12. Tech

    XPRIZE launched new kind of space race, book recounts

    'How to Make a Spaceship' chronicles the XPRIZE challenge that helped ignite the private space industry.
