Search Results for: Whales

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1,375 results
  1. Manatee and whale woes with boat speed limits

    This isn’t a cop convention. These are marine mammal biologists, but they do care about speed limits. At the 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Science News reporter Susan Milius blogs about manatee researcher Edmund Gerstein's work on boat speeds and gory collisions with manatees. Gerstein is the guy at this meeting who has been arguing what sounds just backward at first. In circumstances such as murky water, he says, slow boats are more likely to hit manatees than are fast boats: Slow boats don’t make as much noise within the manatee hearing range, he says. So when manatees have to rely on sound to detect boats, the animals don’t pick up the warning until too late. There's also news on how well -- or not well -- speed limits set for boats that frequent the same waters as right whales are being followed.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Of ‘science’ and fetal whaling

    Japan had been sacrificing a large number of pregnant whales in the name of science.

  3. Earth

    Protected whales found in Japan’s supermarkets

    Toothless Asian whales find themselves being protected by fairly toothless regulations.

  4. Earth

    Oceanographers with flippers

    Tracking seal dives off Antarctica reveals seafloor troughs that affect ocean circulation.

  5. Life

    Humpback whale alters song if another one sings along

    Acoustical study of male songs shows first evidence of the whales responding musically to each other.

  6. Earth

    How killer whales are like people

    Killer whales may be sentinels for toxic chemicals accumulating in even landlubbers.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Cousteau finds “hypocrisy” in scientific whaling

    Another challenge surfaces to Japan's "scientific" whaling.

  8. Life

    Marine census still counting new life-forms

    The Gulf of Mexico ranked among the top five marine regions for number of known species.

  9. Life

    An oceanic endeavor

    Marine census catalogs creatures that roam all corners of the seas.

  10. Life

    Earliest whales gave birth on land

    Recently discovered fossils of a protowhale help fill in gaps in the land-to-water transition.

  11. Life

    Evolutionary genetic relationships coming into focus

    Researchers have filled in about 40 percent of the tree of life for mammals and birds, but other vertebrates lag behind.

  12. Ecosystems

    Exxon Valdez killed future for some killer whales

    An Alaskan oil spill disrupted family structure in killer-whale groups, with lasting and dramatic repercussions.
