Search Results for: Vertebrates

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1,505 results
  1. Neuroscience

    Melatonin and the watery beginnings of sleep

    The tiny zooplankton Platynereis dumerilii use melatonin just as much as we do, suggesting that the origins of sleeplike behavior may lie under the sea.

  2. Animals

    How the ghost shark lost its stomach

    The lack of a digestive organ in fish and other animals is linked to genetics.

  3. Paleontology

    Lost-and-found dinosaur thrived in water

    Fossils pieced together through ridiculous luck reveal Spinosaurus to be the only known dinosaur adapted for regular ventures into water.

  4. Paleontology

    Giant platypus tooth found

    A fossil molar found in Australia reveals a previously unknown extinct species of the mammal.

  5. Life

    Genes gives clues to outcome of species interbreeding

    Genetics provides clues to why hybrid river fish formed a subspecies but insects formed a new species.

  6. Life

    Domesticated animals’ juvenile appearance tied to embryonic cells

    Mild defects in embryonic cells could explain physical similarities along with tameness across domesticated species.

  7. Life

    Primitive fish could nod but not shake its head

    Ancient fossils reveal surprises about early vertebrate necks, abdominal muscles.

  8. Animals

    Fish-eating spiders are the stuff of nightmares

    Spiders that feast on fish can be found on every continent but Antarctica, a new review finds.

  9. Animals

    New fungus species found killing salamanders

    First there was amphibian killer fungus Bd. Now there's Bs.

  10. Psychology


    Readers way in on slacktivism, cockroaches, dinosaur tracks and more.

  11. Animals

    Secrets of a sailfish attack

    The large, long-nosed sailfish use their rostrums more like a sword than a spear to attack prey.

  12. Genetics

    Elephant shark genome small and slow to evolve

    The animals have the smallest genome of non-bony fishes and the slowest-evolving genes among vertebrates, a study suggests.
