Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Oceans

    The world’s fisheries are incredibly intertwined, thanks to baby fish

    A computer simulation reveals how one nation's management of its fish spawning grounds could significantly help or hurt another country's catch.

  2. Paleontology

    The first frog fossil from Antarctica has been found

    An ancient amphibian from Antarctica gives new insight into when the continent got so cold.

  3. Archaeology

    Neandertals’ extensive seafood menu rivals that of ancient humans

    Finds from a coastal cave in Portugal reveal repeated ocean foraging for this European hominid.

  4. Environment

    Legos may take hundreds of years to break down in the ocean

    Sturdy types of plastic may persist in seawater for much long than scientists previously thought.

  5. Chemistry

    Chemists are reimagining recycling to keep plastics out of landfills

    Recycling plastics is really hard, and usually creates low-quality materials that aren’t good for much. Chemists are trying to change that.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Can supplements really help fight COVID-19? Here’s what we know and don’t know

    Unless you’re deficient, there’s little evidence yet for taking Vitamin D and other supplements to treat or prevent a coronavirus infection.

  7. Animals

    There’s more to pufferfish than that goofy spiked balloon

    Three odd things about pufferfishes: how they mate, how they bite and what’s up with no fish scales?

  8. Animals

    A 50-million-year-old fossil captures a swimming school of fish

    Analysis of a fossilized fish shoal suggests that animals may have evolved coordinated group movement around 50 million years ago.

  9. Life

    A distant cousin of jellyfish may survive without working mitochondria

    A tiny creature that parasitizes salmon is the first known multicellular eukaryote without a mitochondrial genome, a hallmark of complex life.

  10. Animals

    Larvaceans’ underwater ‘snot palaces’ boast elaborate plumbing

    Mucus houses have valves and ducts galore that help giant larvaceans extract food from seawater.

  11. Animals

    Shy fish no bigger than a pinkie provide much of the food in coral reefs

    More than half of the fish flesh that predators in coral reefs eat comes from tiny, hard-to-spot species.

  12. Animals

    Cold War nuclear test residue offers a clue to whale sharks’ ages

    One unexpected legacy of the Cold War: Chemical traces of atomic bomb tests are helping scientists figure out whale shark ages.
